
What do you love about yourself? | Chattanooga, TN Boudoir Photographer

women looking out window with her hand in her hair

What do you love about yourself?

What do you love about yourself? That’s a question that many of us forget to even think about. I’ve noticed that most of us focus and get stuck on what we DON’T like about ourselves. But you have SO much to offer.

You are amazing as you are. What are some of your accomplishments? Do you like that you have a sense of humor? Do you like that you are quiet? What about your smile or your eyes? Do you like that you have a certain hobby? I’m sure once you sit and think about it, you have several things that you love about yourself.

women leaning on blue sofa with brown hair wearing a white lingerie set and hand by her neck

So I encourage you to take some time and think about what you love about yourself. Embrace who you are inside and out. Recently, I started writing goals for myself at the beginning of each month. These goals vary from month-to-month, and it helps me to remember they are goals, not must-do’s. Some examples are, I aim to set aside time one day a week for “me time” such as a relaxing bath, getting my nails done or reading a book. Another example is to move about 30 minutes each day like riding my bike, especially the closer to Fall in the crisp, Chattanooga weather.

women laying on blue couch, wood floors, wearing black lingerie redhead

Embrace who you are through boudoir

Boudoir is a way to take some time away from the busyness of everyday life to get pampered and feel empowering through a confidence-boosting boudoir experience. You get to see yourself through a new perspective and enjoy feeling like a supermodel for the day.

My clients ALWAYS tell me how beautiful they felt after their session and that they loved feeling like a celebrity for the day and leave feeling confident and special. And that is something money can’t buy – the FEELING of confidence, beauty and empowerment.

Discover this amazing experience by completing the form here and we’ll set-up a quick call to go over all of the details!





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